Experienced in designing, conducting and teaching computational social sciences.
Interested in understanding civil resilience, political polarization, and information operations on social media.
Moving on is my way to keep balance.
Thesis Topic: The Evolution of Opinions -- opinion diversity, dynamics and social control
Thesis: News frames of Chinese marriage immigrant. Using data-driven method.
Core Courses include C++ Programming, Calculus, Statistics and Propability, Linear Algebra, Introdution to Database, Web Design.
Project Title: Blending Topic Modeling and Social Network Analysis: Big Data Analysis of the Hong Kong Protests
By drawing inspiration from computer sciences, this course introduces the basic background on natural language processing, web crawling, sentiment analysis, data visualization, and machine learning.
For more details, please refer to the website:https://juniorworld.github.io/python-workshop-2018
1. Media in the age of Globalization
2. Social Media Analytics for Journalists
3. Research Method for Media Studies
4. Fundamental Data Journalism